The Seven Weeks War - 1866
A wargame campaign

Historic Buildings in Miniature

The War of 1866
Prussia's "nightmare" scenario

The files on this page are the Umpire's record of a wargame campaign of the Austro-Prussian War of 1866, also known as the Seven Weeks War.

Historically the Prussian Army defeated their Austrian opponents in a mere seven weeks, hence the appelation of The Seven Weeks War.  The Austrian defeat was the result of a spectacularly inept performance by its leadership and a poorly thought out tactical doctrine rather than due to any  inherent faults within the Austrian army itself.  

The wargame campaign produced a rather different result...
Having an interest in the wars of the later 19th century, and also having access to several thousand 15mm model miniatures representing the Prussian Army and their Austrian and Saxon opponents, I felt that  with a bit of tweaking this might make a good wargame campaign. In particular there were many factors which could be modified to give the Austrians a better chance in a wargame recreation of the campaign. The scenario chosen for the campaign assumed that the Austrians would not make the same mistakes as their historical counterparts, and also allowed them to develop their own plan of campaign which, as it turned out, was very close to the worst case scenario envisiaged by the Prussian General Staff in their own planning for the war.

The wargame campaign took about 6 months to prepare, starting in 2011, and about two and a half years to play, ending in October 2014 with a spectacular Austrian victory!

Over the past two years a number of TimeCast customers and wargaming contacts have suggested that I publish the results of the campaign, as it was felt that it might be of interest to other gamers. After some consideration I decided to do so - here are the results. I hope it inspires an interest in the period in other gamers.

Please note however, the files are provided "as is" for personal use only. However, please do not e-mail or write as I do not wish to enter into any correspondance regarding the campaign. It has taken nearly three years to run and I now wish to move on to other projects...

The files...

The Official History

Campaign actually generated 700+ Mb of data and 906 files, including maps, player corresondence, reports, orders of battle etc. This was collated by the umpire into an "Official History" . This includes:

  • The background to the campaign
  • A day by day account of the campaign
  • A short, and frequently biased, account by each player of their role in the campaign
  • Several appendices covering various aspects of the campaign such as casualties, personality clashes between commanders etc
  • Full orders of battle for both sides (for use with variations of the well known Fire & Fury rules)
1866 Campaign History and Diary (PDF) 5.8 Mb - right click here to download

The Campaign in Maps

A PDF file showing the manouevres and positions of the armies, superimposed on the Perthes map,  at the end of each day is included.

Campaign Map Reference (PDF) 27.7 Mb - right click here to download

In addition, a copy of the main Perthes map used in the campaign can be downloaded here:

1850 Perthes Map of Bohemia (jpg) 3.6 Mb - right click here to download

Player Administrative Instructions

Finally, each player was given a basic administrative instruction with details of hsitorical background, mapping, formats for reports and orders, details of communications, weather, daylight hours etc.

1866 Campaign Player general Admin Brief (PDF) 100 Kb - right click here to download

Please note that all files, text and images are copyright Barrie Lovell 2014, with the exception of the Perthes map.

Please note that TimeCast models are not toys. They may contain small pieces, or white metal parts, which may cause a choking hazard and are therefore not suitable for children under 12 years.

All images and models shown are copyright TimeCast and may not be copied or reproduced without permission.

Historic Buildings in Miniature
TimeCast, Unit 5E, Centurion Park, Kendal Road, Shrewsbury, SY1 4EH, England  

Tel: 01743 465676      Email:
